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Ieszka's lullaby

Magazzini Sonori
Proprietà dell'oggetto
CompositoreGermano Ferri
Autore testiGermano Ferri
EsecutoreGermano Ferri
Data esecuzione28/08/2007
Luogo esecuzioneIn salotto :)
ProvenienzaGermano Ferri
LicenzaTutti i diritti riservati
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Ieszka’s lullaby

Germano Ferri


Sorry for my errors and sorry for my rhymes

I’ve tried to write in English now as my first time.

A song in half so stupid, the other part so true

To show you what I feel inside and what I’ll miss of you.


Who will show me the way to arrive into my room

Who will fill my heart and my afternoons.

If I could change your hunger in love from you to me

I’m sure we can get married before than suddenly.


I could try to convince you, I could cry beg and pray,

Tell you that I love you more than any microwave,

But this is not my trait and I’m sure that it’s wrong

The sliding time will show how much this feeling can be strong.


So thank you for this month with nothing to regret

Just glad to have met a girl that I will never forget

I’ll go to bed now trying to keep both my eyes dry

Hope it’s right to say goodnight and not really goodbye.



Questo brano ha

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creato:lunedì 4 novembre 2013
modificato:venerdì 11 agosto 2017