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FreeZone>Absolut Red

Altri brani da Absolut Red

Altri brani di questo genere

    • Francesca Bono / Francesca Bono / Francesca Bono / Francesca Bono
    • Francesca Bono
    • Francesca Bono / Francesca Bono / Francesca Bono / Francesca Bono
    • Vasco Brondi
    • Vasco Brondi
    • Vasco Brondi
    • Massimiliano Cranchi
    • Massimiliano Cranchi
    • Massimiliano Cranchi
    • Apapaia
    • Apapaia
    • Apapaia
    • MuMble
    • MuMble
    • MuMble

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ProvenienzaAbsolut Red
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Where did you go last night Eric, I could not say goodbye to you. You were laying naked and cold in a coffin, near mine. And early tomorrow there will be no one when they will be burying us together, hand in hand. No one’ll ever pay a visit at your grave nor be crying of your death. Everybody hates us, my love. Did you know that your father knew who you was? Did you remember that I killed you? Don’t worry I killed myself too afterwards. Are you still waiting newspapers’titles with our faces on, with our teeth that don’t exist no more. Sunday has been our latest sunday, the last one we could live in, the last one were we lived. Monday we killed almost twelve people, we really had a great fun: the best day of my life. You only you, Eric I have made all that just for you and because I think I’m mad. At the first killings my hands were so trembly and moist, were we making the right thing? Were we making it right? I must admit my friend, i don’t think I was already prepared to kill and to die: then you fired a bullet in Jane’s face (that nigger bitch that always smells bad) and then I suddenly felt better! Happiness is warm gun, let’s kill our friends it’s time to lose and to pretend. Sunday has been our latest sunday, the last one we could live in, the last one were we lived. Monday we killed almost twelve people, we really had a great fun: the best day of my life. You only you, Eric I have made all that just for you and because I think I’m… Can you feel the good vibes from the guns don’t you orgasm when you shoot a girl?hear the secret silence of the bombs, they are still exploding! Sunday has been our latest sunday, the last one we could live in, the last one were we lived. Monday we killed almost twelve people, we really had a great fun: the best day of my life. You only you, Eric I have made all that just for you and because I think I’m mad.


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Proprietà dell'articolo
creato:mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013
modificato:mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013