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Bathroom Whistling

Magazzini Sonori
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ProvenienzaAbsolut Red
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Bergson used to say We’re not in the same place in which we believe to be Or where we were supposed to be Enthusiasm, secret surprise For a moment I believed to touch the sky Livin’ forever happy Then the end of the happiness caught on the wrong side of bed, already dreaming I was already dreaming of, I will always be dreaming of you Passed, now it’s passed But I still can taste that wastement And now I’m anxious, weak, depressed I should drink a coke, maybe going to bed But inside my head, also when I’m dreaming I still recall of that It’s time warp, time lacks under my feet You told me when we were young Hidden behind closed doors we sat, we kissed, we hug and softly You whispered in my ear please lick my tongue I was very scared from the way you moved You felt very strange ‘cause you liked me, and me too When we were young It’s a strange love The one between my boyfriend and me, it’s a feeling only for itself


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creato:mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013
modificato:mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013
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