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Stay (Radio Edit)

Magazzini Sonori
Proprietà dell'oggetto
CompositoreCamurri, Sireno, Della Casa, Moreo
EsecutoreCamurri, Sireno, Della Casa, Moreo
Data esecuzione01/05/2015
Luogo esecuzioneModena
ProvenienzaKAOS INDIA
LicenzaCreative Commons Attribuzione
Aggiungi al MagPlayer

STAY lyrics:
there's nothing you can say, with your voice
no more consolation
people full of you, of yourself
fight for a resolution
stay, a day
show me the way to find new rays
i can hear them crying, they are as me
it's our loving vision
you keep dreaming, on the open door
and it's hard to make, to make a change, to make
stay, a day
show me the way to find new rays
hey did you know it would be so hard?
hey did you guess wouldn't be easy overcome?
hey do you feel still conviced in your thoughts?

produced by Kaos IndiA
mixed&mastered by Dario Casillo
Album artwork: Rafal Karcz, Poland



Questo brano ha

Proprietà dell'articolo
autore:francesco sireno
creato:giovedì 7 maggio 2015
modificato:giovedì 7 maggio 2015