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Altri brani da Gaja Girotti

Altri brani di questo genere

    • Marco Bonvicini
    • Marco Bonvicini
    • Marco Bonvicini

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S.Valentine's Day

Magazzini Sonori
Proprietà dell'oggetto
CompositoreGaia Girotti e Fabio Garante
Autore testiGaia Girotti e Fabio Garante
EsecutoreGaia Girotti e Fabio Garante
Data esecuzione29/11/2011
Luogo esecuzioneArgenta (FE)
ProvenienzaGaja Girotti
LicenzaTutti i diritti riservati
Aggiungi al MagPlayer

" S'Valentine's Day" 

STROFA1:                 It’s a story of a wish,

                                  unforgiven  and betrayed,

                                   unforgiven  on the  ground ,

                                   for another waking… for another                                        

                                    waking sound.



BRIDGE1:              and you just see you, you just                                              forgive you,

                              You can invent you, you can forget                                         you

                             And you just wait for you, you can                                        pretend it,

                             I have to observe it, and I can imagine                                 that.

RIT1:                  there’s no  another way…. There’s not                               in  another  way,

                          There’s no in another way... not in                                           another  way

                           there’s no  another way…. There’s not                               in  another  way

                           there’s not in another way…..not in                                         another  way.



STROFA2:             that’s the story  of  a deal,

                                Thought  in silent and not give,

                               Lay to all those winter’s tale,

                               For another breaking… for another                                      breaking day.



BRIDGE2 :             and you just see you, you just                                               forgive you,

                               You can invent you, you can forget                                        you

                               And you just wait for you, you can                                        pretend it,

                           I…I… have to observe it, and I can                                      imagine there’s not.

RIT2:                       there’s no  another way….not in                                         another  way…

                                There’s no in another way,.. not in                                        another  way

                              there’s no  another way….not… in                                          another  way…

                              There’s no in another way,.. ..not in                                           another  way.


Questo brano ha

Proprietà dell'articolo
creato:giovedì 19 gennaio 2012
modificato:giovedì 19 gennaio 2012