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FreeZone>Denied cry

Altri brani da Denied cry

Altri brani di questo genere

    • Bovini Ranzi Bertuzzi Bolzoni Carboni
    • Bovini Ranzi Bertuzzi Bolzoni Carboni
    • Bovini Ranzi Bertuzzi Bolzoni Carboni

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Hand covered

Magazzini Sonori
Proprietà dell'oggetto
Compositorerodolfo ioni
Autore testirodolfo ioni
EsecutoreDenied Cry
Data esecuzione14/10/2010
Luogo esecuzioneparma
ProvenienzaDenied cry
LicenzaTutti i diritti riservati
Aggiungi al MagPlayer

Still eyes covered by hands on tv   
bones dressed up with innocence stand in front of hunger
keep me in your arms, keep me for a while
let me take a breathe of life from your kiss 
equipped mercenaries play a loud rhythm throught the air
my father my sister my son had already shook the ground

we are trying to face an evil without name
but i won't defeat it till the silence will blow down 
i need them to be more need their confusion now
i'm not a politician but i'm a business man!
i lived a simple life i always kept my eyes on me 
we have to hold together the world will never look the same

I slept on my knees
you look for shelter
i listen to you
you're asking freedom
my voice is silence 
and i know you need more

follow the footsteps
the sound is growing
help will come to us
we're getting stronger
good times are coming
all we need is faith is faith


Questo brano ha

Proprietà dell'articolo
creato:domenica 7 novembre 2010
modificato:lunedì 7 maggio 2012