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Save Our Soldiers

Magazzini Sonori
Proprietà dell'oggetto
CompositoreR. Singh. M. Grecchi
Autore testiF. Farioli
Data esecuzione05/07/2011
Luogo esecuzioneOstiglia
Data di pubblicazione5/09/2011
GenereRock / Metal
LicenzaTutti i diritti riservati
Aggiungi al MagPlayer

They cannot be stopped again.
They're protectng our system.
Covered by the report.
Nothing works nowadays.
Just go to say bye to your wife.
I'll go where everything's okay.
I'll go where people are afraid.
All the sound of guns.
Can't you see the day has come.
Just come on.
Are you ready to war?
RIT: You saved our soldiers
We haven't much time
Please save us all
Please someone save us all
We're dying in this time
You saved us all.
Just go to say bye to your wife
I'll go where everything's okay
I'll go where people are not okay.
RIT: You saved our soldiers
We haven't much time
Please save us all
Please someone save us all
We're dying in this time
You saved us all.


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creato:lunedì 23 gennaio 2012
modificato:lunedì 14 maggio 2012