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Altri brani da Gabe Andy

    • G. Cavatorta
    • G. Cavatorta
    • G. Cavatorta
    • G. Cavatorta
    • G. Cavatorta
    • G. Cavatorta

Altri brani di questo genere

    • Iggy
    • Iggy
    • Iggy
    • Maria Teresa Lonetti
    • Maria Teresa Lonetti
    • Maria Teresa Lonetti
    • Cristian Poerio
    • Cristian Poerio
    • Cristian Poerio

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The Border

Magazzini Sonori
Proprietà dell'oggetto
CompositoreG. Cavatorta
Autore testiG. Cavatorta
EsecutoreGabe Andy
Data esecuzione11/03/2010
Luogo esecuzioneParma
ProduttoreG. Cavatorta
GenereWorld Music / Country
ProvenienzaGabe Andy
LicenzaTutti i diritti riservati
Aggiungi al MagPlayer

Most likely you don’t remember
That morning, when we stopped near the border, the air was cold.
It may be that sometimes a traveling companion
Can make you feel warmer, or so I’m told;
Maybe it’s because of the heat wave
That has gripped this part of the country for the past few days.
Maybe it’s just that you don’t live on memories alone:
Our lives have changed in so many ways.

And yet that chilly bay water
Is still in my blood and its sound is still in my ear,
And the boardwalk, the fishing boat, the pebbles,
The sand, and the waves lapping against the pier;
And your dark purple sweater,
Your face so extraordinarily white against the pale blue sky,
And the sails of a sailboat so lonesome and glittering,
Waving at us as we walked by.

I’m pretty sure that I had a picture someplace
But I don’t know where it is anymore.
Maybe I gave it to you, maybe I lost it,
Or maybe I just left it in a dresser drawer.
It seems that you don’t even know what it means
To slow down for a while and look back on the past;
Back then I didn’t have a clue that we would lose each other,
Or that two years would go by so fast.

And so, the day that I learn about your death
I will ride all the way back to the border crossing,
And when I get there
I’m gonna post a sign on the side of the road with your name on it.
And all the truck drivers that will be rolling down that highway
In the rain, headed for the ocean,
They will be thinking about you for a while
As I do every day of my life
And always will as long as I live.
You know I will, for the rest of my life.



Questo brano ha
  • Elisa dice:
    Semplicemte meravigliosa. Una canzone che ti rimane dentro.
    Postato domenica 12 dicembre 2010

Proprietà dell'articolo
creato:venerdì 19 novembre 2010
modificato:venerdì 19 novembre 2010