Andrea Padova - Recensioni
The pianist Andrea Padova turns sound into poetry. His virtuosity, sensitively managed, resounds through every measure…the "Goldberg" Variations remains the wildest of musical fantasies. Padova's wizardry and articulation gave the music its needed momentum, conveying the sense of successfully exceeding the limits of human possibility.
The Italian pianist Andrea Padova made his name as the winner of the J.S.Bach International Piano Competition in 1995 and with a highly regarded recording of Bach-Busoni transcriptions. Padova is also a composer, and on Tuesday he devoted half his program at Merkin Concert Hall to his own works. He writes in an accessible, freewheeling style … His Prelude combined allusions to Bach and a variant of John Coltrane’s Love Supreme before sailing off on its own. Across the Border Line begins with a bright, attractive melody over a quietly rumbling bass, and evolves into a thundering showpiece. Stream developed similarly, starting with a jazzy chromatic ripple and ending with Lisztian explosiveness. And Highways has a sprightly character that suggests a car chase captured on film and played back at double speed.
A strong personality, conviction, freedom, and style…
Performing on a modern instrument, Padova nonetheless possesses a touch and articulation befitting these early suites. Balance is exceptional and at times the distinction between voices is so clear it almost seems as if Padova is playing on a multiple-manual instrument. Articulation is precise and ornaments are clear and sparkling, considerably adding to the color of the performance. Listeners looking to step outside of the more familiar Gould/Schiff/Perahia box would do well to consider this album, and will no doubt look forward to future volumes by this gifted artist.
I had no idea the piano could be played so fast and yet with such perfect clarity. His flawless technique and outstanding interpretive skills made these works come to life for me in a way they never have before. Exciting, joyful, dramatic, tender... Andrea Padova is a real find and deserves a great deal of attention.
Andrea Padova… chaleureux, inspiré, qui portait sur son visage-même l’expression de son lyrisme, enchaîna des oeuvres de Chopin, Ravel et Liszt, avec, en particulier, une lumineuse compairason entre les “Jeux d’eau” de Ravel et les “Jeux d’eaux à la Villa d’Este” de Liszt.
Mais, le temps fort de cette soirée fut, pour nous, la découverte d’un pianiste très séduisant, Andréa Padova. Pour donner toute sa mesure à l’ultime opus des concertos pour clavier de Mozart, il faut plus qu’un talent, il faut une âme. Expression du génie le plus pur de Mozart, ce concerto fut joué avec une grande élégance et une belle profondeur de sentiments par le pianiste italien, spécialiste de Bach.
Obwohl Padova als führender Bach-Interpret angesehen wird und häufig dementsprechende Meisterklassen leitet, fühlt er sich ebenso im klassischen wie romantischen Repertoire zuhause. Neben Padovas sensibler Virtuosität fiel vor allem seine unglaublich satte Lesart der Werke auf, die seine starke Künstlerpersönlichkeit unterstrich.
Mit dem Italienischen Konzert un der Französische Ouvertüre stellte Padova die beiden damals herrschenden Musikstile gegenüber und zeigte ein zweites Mal, daß Bach auf dem Klavier mit einer kenntnisreichen und stilistisch angemessenen Ausschöpfung der Barocken (Verzieungs-) Mittel kein Sakrileg sein muß, sondern ein Genuß sein kann.
Der junge Italianer zauberte auf dem Konzertflügel über eherneen Bässen verspieltes Rokoko-Flair und präsentierte eine Bach mit südländischer Leggerezza…Genauso viel Kompetenz bewies Andrea Padova dann in Sachen Beethoven und Schumann; und diese Vielseitigkeit kennzeichnet ihn als Musiker von Format.
Una lettura elegante e raffinata…un’ottima tecnica pianistica, una forte personalità…in ogni nota una ricchezza timbrica e melodica diversa….
Capace di misurarsi col repertorio colto, come con le esperienze del jazz, Andrea Padova rappresenta il miglior esempio di musicista capace di guardare fuori dall’accademia, aperto ma con una salda capacità di discriminare, che ne fa una delle figure più interessanti del panorama pianistico contemporaneo.

creato: | giovedì 11 agosto 2011 |
modificato: | giovedì 11 agosto 2011 |