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After the snow has fallen

Winter's Tale Pt.4

Magazzini Sonori
Proprietà dell'oggetto
CompositoreMarco Ciancaglini; Federico Benini; Francesca Pretolani; Marco Calbi;
Autore testiMarco Ciancaglini
EsecutoreSoul Doubt
Data esecuzione10/04/2010
Luogo esecuzioneNonna Studios (Villanova)
Data di pubblicazione29 Dicembre 2010
ProvenienzaSoul Doubt
LicenzaTutti i diritti riservati
Aggiungi al MagPlayer


Nightmares and obsessions, fabulous creations
Embrace our foolish minds
A total destruction: the strongest reaction
That our story could remind
After this war nothing remains of our nothing
The Last War’ s beginning now
I am really ready; Are you really ready
To waste world definitely?

An empty face in the mirror
Waits a sign to understand…
Where’s my soul? beyond my shadow
I hope to find another me.

Hate rules our minds, suffocated by pain
Under the rain
Tears will never show the rainbow
Burying all the feelings to go on and to find
My strength in life
I will change this world, but…
Let me know who I am,
Let me see what’s beyond to understand
Let me try to love life
Let me stand on the sand till sun shines

Wandering as dead bodies pushed by the tide:
Already died while living!
Sentenced by this life to pray for a lie
Even our souls passing by
In this age of sorrow the hope bout tomorrow
Seems to be a too weak light
Every dream about us, every shiver of lust
Will be lost here in the dust

As the snow falls in winter
Its mantle’s melted by the sun
Nor a drop on the sidewalks
Nor a trace of its old fall

Hate rules our minds, suffocated by pain
Under the rain
Tears will never wash the rainbow
Burying all the feelings to go on, to find
My strength in life
I will change this world, but…
Let me know who I am,
Let me see what’s beyond to understand
Let me die to love life
Let me stand on the sand till sun shines


Presentazione brano

After the snow has fallen è il quinto ed ultimo brano dell'EP "Winter's Tale", registrato nel corso del 2010 e che verrà presentato al naima il 29 dicembre.

Il presente brano è quindi la parte finale di un concept, dove l'inverno è inteso non come stagione, ma stato emotivo di una persona.


Questo brano ha

Proprietà dell'articolo
creato:lunedì 6 dicembre 2010
modificato:mercoledì 23 maggio 2012