The Housatonic at Stockbridge, per voce e pianoforte
The Housatonic at Stockbridge
Contented river in thy dreamy realm
The cloudy willow and the plumy elm:
Thou beautiful! in ev'ry dreamy hill
What eye but wanders with thee at thy will.
Contented river! And yet overshy
To mask thy beauty from the eager eye;
Hast thou a thought to hide from field and town?
In some deep current of the sunlit brown.
Ah! there's a restive ripple,
And swift red leaves
September's firstlings faster drift;
Wouldst thou away, dear stream?
Come, whisper near!
I also of much resting have a fear;
Let me tomorrow thy companion be,
By fall and shallow to the adventurous sea!
(testo di Robert Underwood Johnson, 1921)
Contented river in thy dreamy realm
The cloudy willow and the plumy elm:
Thou beautiful! in ev'ry dreamy hill
What eye but wanders with thee at thy will.
Contented river! And yet overshy
To mask thy beauty from the eager eye;
Hast thou a thought to hide from field and town?
In some deep current of the sunlit brown.
Ah! there's a restive ripple,
And swift red leaves
September's firstlings faster drift;
Wouldst thou away, dear stream?
Come, whisper near!
I also of much resting have a fear;
Let me tomorrow thy companion be,
By fall and shallow to the adventurous sea!
(testo di Robert Underwood Johnson, 1921)

Compositore | Charles Ives |
Esecutore | Cristina Zavalloni - voce / Andrea Rebaudengo - pianoforte |
Data esecuzione | 02/02/2009 |
Raccolta | Cristina Zavalloni, Andrea Rebaudengo e Gabriele Mirabassi in "Americana" |
Genere | Musica Classica / Cameristica |
Provenienza | Fondazione Musica Insieme |
Note | Questa esecuzione è stata trasmessa in diretta da Magazzini Sonori durante il concerto Americana (MICO 2009 - Fondazione Musica Insieme). |
creato: | mercoledì 4 febbraio 2009 |
modificato: | giovedì 5 febbraio 2009 |