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Cold December

(acoustic version)

Magazzini Sonori
Proprietà dell'oggetto
GenereWorld Music / Folk
LicenzaTutti i diritti riservati
Aggiungi al MagPlayer

" The world outside sleeps under the breeze of the winter wind

Thousands of snowflakes mill down from the edge of the sky

Red and rose clouds confused at my eyes..here I stay waiting for the night.

I feel i'm tired, i feel alone..

but "i'm not scared" says my soul.

I feel the cold while i watch the snow, but i hear the sound of silent notes

which whisper like the wind and flutter as a tree and makes me tremble as the shiver of a memory..

while snow falls down... in a cold december. "


Questo brano ha

Proprietà dell'articolo
creato:martedì 31 gennaio 2012
modificato:martedì 31 gennaio 2012